Get a FREE Game
Interested in getting a 100% FREE game or FREE Hampton Haul/Texas Load sticker sheet? Just follow the steps below!
- Sign up for WhatNot using my link:
- You'll now have a $15 credit to use on your first purchase
- Go to my profile on WhatNot (search Jacobr)
- Click on my upcoming livestream and bookmark it
- Make sure to be present during my livestream (you can check out the date and time on my livestream)
- During my livestream, I will have plenty of games to auction off, and I will have games listed in the Buy Now section for $15 and $20, which you can use your $15 credit on
- Now if you purchase one of the $15 games with your $15 credit, it will be 100% free, as long as you're in the US
- I ship the game to you!